How Long Does SEO Take in 2024? A Timeline For Your Business

How Long Does SEO Take in 2024? A Timeline For Your Business

I went all in on SEO in April 2020. 4 months later, my website had over 1,000 visitors per month. Significant results happened almost 1 year later at 10,000 visitors per month. 2 years later, it reached over 100,000 visitors per month and $5,000+ in passive monthly revenue. So, is this a normal timeline? And…

From 0 to 50,000+ Visitors in 12 Months: It’s Still Doable in 2024

From 0 to 50,000+ Visitors in 12 Months: It’s Still Doable in 2024

Featuring Alexis, a customer of Epic Ranks. When Alexis came to us in October 2022, she had an idea for a travel website. However, she wasn’t sure how to: 12 months later, her website brought in over 50,000 pageviews. Here’s how she did it. Timeline Number of Articles Results Oct 2022 0 0 Pageviews May…

How We Got 100,000 Monthly Visitors in 24 Months Using SEO

How We Got 100,000 Monthly Visitors in 24 Months Using SEO

Featuring Tyler’s first SEO project. In April 2020, I started a home and garden website. I knew the basics of SEO but wanted a place to test what I learned and see real results. So, I read books, took courses, and applied everything I learned on this site. Here’s what happened: Timeline Number of Articles…